
Manuscripts are subject to anonymous peer review. Submission should be made in Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese or Russian electronically and should conform to the guidelines to authors regarding submissions of manuscripts specified in the journal's web site.
(A & A's web site address is: http://
1. The peer review process is aimed to assess the quality, originality and integrity of the incoming papers.

‹An Example of Peer Review Process by Wiley & Sons, Inc. >

2. The reviewers are expected to:
  1. detect the cases of plagiarism and other unethical actions
  2. help the editors in making publishing solutions
  3. work efficiently and objectively
  4. keep confidentiality
  5. control accuracy of the sources of information
  6. unconditionally identify the conflicts of interest and secure absence of any official ties between the reviewer and the author

3. The peer review includes a set of formal criteria of paper's assessment (novelty of research, its topicality, level of topic's disclosure, ets.) and (when necessary) the recommendations to the author for reworking the paper. If applicable, the reviewer may recommend to put substantial corrections into the paper or to submit it anew. Also, the reviewer may recommend a rejection of the paper for various reasons.

4. Editors/Editorial Board take into account the opinion of the reviewer when making decision to accept/re pudiate the submitted paper for publication.

5. "Analyses & Alternatives" basically adheres to a double-blind (anonymous) peer review process of the incoming papers, i.e. secures full anonymity of both the authors and the reviewers. Every submitted manuscript, if deemed appropriate, will go through a review process that involved a maximum of three reviewers. The number of reviewers is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the Editorial Panel. The review may be lengthy but all efforts are made to ensure that an outcome be made known to the author at the soonest possible time. Delays are often commonplace as reviewers are working academics with heavy work commitments. Patience on the part of authors is greatly appreciated.

6. The text of the review is kept by the editorial board for not less than 5 years. If necessary, a copy of the review or a reasoned refusal is sent to the author